Who you can get Spouse visa UK?

A Partner Visa UK, also known as a UK Marriage Visa, fiancé visa UK is a settlement visa that allows you to live together with your British partner in the UK for up to 30 months. It can be extended for another 30 months if you meet certain eligibility conditions. Holding a Partner Visa is the first step towards Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and, eventually, British Citizenship. To apply for a Marriage Visa and enter the UK, you must be married to, or in a civil partnership with a British citizen, UK-settled person, or UK refugee. The main eligibility criteria include providing proof that you are in a genuine relationship and that you meet specific financial conditions. Get in touch with our immigration lawyers to receive professional advice on your Marriage Visa case and learn how you can enter the UK and get leave to remain with your partner if he or she is a UK citizen.

What is a Spouse Visa uk?

A Spouse Visa UK is for non-UK residents aged 18 or over who are engaged, married to, or has a proposed civil partner who is aged over 18 living in the UK. It is a type of settlement visa known as the UK partner visa.

The qualifying criteria vary depending on your partner’s situation. You need to apply for a UK Partner Visa if you are coming to the UK to join your partner or spouse from outside the European Economic Area.

If you hold a Spouse Visa in the UK, you have the right to work like all British citizens. However, you cannot claim most benefits, such as public funds, housing allowance, or tax credits.

Before you submit your application for a UK Spouse Visa, you need to:

What is the ‘Genuine Relationship Test’?

The UK Spouse Visa applicant needs to be able to prove they are in a genuine relationship, such as a civil partnership, with their British citizen partner. There are lots of different types of evidence you can send to the Home Office, such as A joint mortgage or tenancy agreement, either in the UK or outside the UK Evidence of any children you have together, such as a birth certificate Photographs that show you have spent time together frequently A shared bank account or savings Text messages or social media chat logs Travel documents that prove you’ve visited each other at least once before you got married, or visitor visa UK. Any documents which prove that you intend to live together in the UK

Can I renew or extend a UK Spouse Visa?

you can renew and extend your Marriage Visa for another 2 years and 6 months, as long as your current leave to remain hasn’t expired. After you have lived in the UK for a total of 5 years, you can apply for settled status (ILR). Get in touch with our lawyers if you need to apply for a UK Spouse Visa renewal.